When I was 40, I had the great blessing of becoming Grandma Debbie. At the time I was still raising my own kids. My daughters Jae and Robyn were only seven and four when Kirstie, my first granddaughter, was born. But having almost overlapping families added to the fun! As of October 2012, Dave and I have been blessed with 14 grandkids. They are ~ Kirstie(1994) ~ Nic(1994) ~ Kyle(1996) ~ Christopher(1999) ~ Josh(1999) ~ Ethan(2005) ~ Owen(2007) ~ Shelby(2009) ~ Jaxon(2009) ~ Ezekiel(2010) ~ Braden(2010)~ MacKenzie(2012)~ Quinn(2012)~ Cannon(2012) We’re pretty sure there will be a few more. Jae & Sean are just getting started and Robyn & Andrew are biding their time. Another blessing ~ I get to spend a lot of time with my grandkids. Most live in my hometown and the others are just a few hours away. I’d like to share my adventures as Grandma Debbie here and maybe you can share your adventures, too. I’m always up for learning new ways to have fun with the kids!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saturday with Owen & Jaxon Part 1

On Saturday Amy and her family went to Hollywood to see the new Pirates movie. It would have been an exhausting day for Jax so we planned for him to spend the day at Grandma Debbie’s. Having a toddler here by himself all day was a daunting idea. I can only be interesting for so long to someone so short. My grandma’s words rang in my ears “Kids always do better in even numbers.”

I invited Owen to spend the day here to “Babysit” Jax with me. By the time Amy returned, I knew that I could not have done this as easily without Owen. Owen took his job very seriously. He played with Jax and guided him from room to room or to the patio where they played some more. When Jax tried to pick a tomato, Owen gently told him no.
We had a mighty full day, beginning with sweeping the patio...a never ending job because of the pepper trees surrounding our yard. I’ve always felt that when the grandkids come over its fine for them to help around the Haasienda with some of the maintenance. Most of the time they enjoy the helping as much as the playing!

Next, we painted. Owen is quite an artist and I think the pre printed pictures in the water color painting book held him back a little. When he starts on a plain piece of paper magical things happen....ducks in ponds, rainbows, and pleasure in his work.

After the boys and I cleaned up their paintings and set them to dry in the sun (Owen’s idea)we headed to the front hallway.
My house was built in 1953 {we’re the same age!} and has a few really cool features not found in modern homes. Instead of a linen closet in the front hall we have a built in bureau chest of drawers. Since there have always been kids in the house, one drawer has always been dedicated to kids’ games. Now that there aren’t as many of us living here {only four, compared to a high of ten} we don’t need as many sheets and blankets. That freed up a drawer so I {again} copied my own grandma and dedicated one to toys.

Owen and Jax found several balls to take outside for more play time, till lunch was ready.

To Be Continued

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